Composite (White Fillings)

Are you ready to fix your tooth with a more natural looking solution? Composite resins, or white fillings, provide great durability and resistance to fracture in small- to mid-size fillings that need to withstand moderate pressure from the stress of chewing. Our fillings can be used on front and back teeth.

Teeth Whitening

Are you looking for a more confident smile. You can try our teeth whitening kit at our clinic or at home. We emphasize on safe techniques to naturally keep your teeth white and bright. Our teeth whitening kits are safe and easy to use. Ask your hygienist about our products. If you have a homecoming date or family pictures, don’t let yellow stains hinder your great smile! Use a teeth whitening kit today!

Veneers and Bonding

If your teeth have chips, small gaps, overlaps or mismatched teeth, porcelain veneers can correct these issues to give you a perfect smile. Veneers are thin ceramic casings that are sculpted by hand by Dr. Ray to improve the appearance of your teeth. They are fabricated just for you and designed to give you a smile that looks natural.